Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Crazy Music Video

Lately I have been listening to a lot of British rock, mainly Kate Nash, Oasis, The Kooks, and The Fratellis and I am always carousing around on Youtube looking for the next best thing. Well I came across a music video that was banned by the UK's MTV because it gave some people seizures because the video has a flickering strobe light. I thought I would put it up because it is one of the craziest videos I have ever seen before, even crazy than Carlos Zambrano on the mound, or that suicide attempt by Owen Wilson. Its not so much my brand of music, but I would like to know what people think about the music video. Check it out....

If you turn into Michael J. Fox when watching the video, I cant say I didnt give you a warning before hand.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life in Iowa

First off I dont wake up and bail hay at 5 in the morning, milk the cows, and or feed the livestock, and my backyard isnt a cornfield. Common sterotypes of living in Iowa for people that know nothing about my life. I live in an urban part of Iowa called Waterloo and there are no farms that I know of in the area. Traveling through more rural parts of Iowa this maybe more of the culture revolves around agriculture, but not where I live. My version of milking a cow is going to Target to purchase a gallon of milk (preferrable chocolate because I believe all cows should be milked equally)

I live in a city where depending on who you ask the population size is 70,000 - 80,000ish. Sorry to say but its nothing like watching the film Field of Dreams or Michael. Believe it or not just like other states we do have gang activity and drug usage and whatever else you can think of. I really dont know why Iowa gets such a reputation of being so completely based around agriculuture that nothing else seems to exist beyond that. I guess I havent really been to a whole lot of other states so I dont have much to make a comparison by, but enough that I wouldnt say its a whole heck of a lot different. Pry one big difference is that we really dont have any huge national landmarks that are iconic and really no big bands that have succeeded out of the state, unless you are someone who loves to bang their head and being screamed at through your headphones, then Iowa's most famous band Slipknot is for you.

We do have a few celebs people wouldnt have known are from Iowa such as Elijiah Wood who was Frodo from Lord of the Rings and was in a handful of other movies, Ashton Kutcher needs no introduction, and also Ron Livingston from Office Space just to name a few. Its funny because they are all from Cedar Rapids, looks to me Quaker Oats isnt the only thing Cedar Rapids is producing, its also producing star power.

All and all I would say Iowa is a fairly normal place, it pry is bland for a lot of peoples taste depending on where you dwell in the state. Urban areas are always best no matter what state you go to. Other than that the state can be pretty "corny".

Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Didnt Know What Most These People Used Blogs For

So I was surfing not so much like Kelly Slater no relation with AC from Saved by the Bell but I degress when I was surfing the net/looking at other people's blogs and checked out what they were chatting about and it didnt seem to be to much variety from the blog to blog. Either they focused purely on some sort of technology, their marriage, kids, artwork, or furnishings for their household. Thats why my blog is going to be the start of something special. If I could compare my blog to a pizza it would be meat lovers because its gunna have a bit of everything. I know what some of you are saying "Well Im a Vegetarian and that analogy doesnt apply to me". Well for all you vegetarians out there kindly get the hell off my page. (Just kidding.... but seriously) No but for you vegetarians consider it like a giant salad bar of topics.

I just feel I should make this blog about a lot of different interests and topics that are open for discussion. You know we are all human beings and we all put our hat on one head at a time. Unless your a siamese twin of course which then it may vary. The point im trying to get across here is im not afraid to push the envelope and delve into a buffett of different topics. Just hit me not so much like David Justice did his wife, but just feel free to throw some things out there that you would enjoy to see me blog about and I would be more than obligated to do that for you. Peace Out!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Worst Sports Franchise

Now I have been thinking about this now for awhile who just is the worst franchise in all of professional sports. When I thought about this many names went racing through my head, not so much like Nascar but you get the gist. Names like the Arizona Cardinals, Houston Texans, Detroit Lions, Pittsburgh Pirates, even my lovable Chicago Cubs. Then after about 10 minutes or so of thinking I had an epiphany somewhat like that of Adrian Monk from the show Monk, but I didn't solve a murder. The team I had thought of appeared vibrantly floating through my head while I could imagine the alcoholics in the stands being disappointed yet another year again. Using the dreaded sports phrase "Hey.... theres always next season", that makes fans cringe.

The team in my head was none other than the Minnesota Vikings. Now I know what your saying "Hold the phone here, the Vikings have won a decent amount of games year after year". That's just the problem though they constantly give fans that glimmer of hope in every game and every season that something is going to change, but things stay the same. The Minnesota Vikings is that girl at your school that is the tease, the one you have been trying to get with, the one that keeps flirting with you making you think this is your chance, but she keeps letting you down and you know all she will ever be is a tease. Like many men you keep coming back to this girl that is the tease because you think things will be different even though in these guys heads they know things will be the same.

Every year its the new off season acquisitions that lead to the new marketing campaign for the Vikings fans to get them to come out and support another year of the team, even though they keep many of the broken pieces they had the previous year and expect to yield a different result. Once the fans see the new look Vikings for the season they are lured in for another year of heartache because of the broken pieces still left on the team. After a Vikings game or season the stadium usually smells like alcohol and broken dreams along with a laundry list of fans put on a 24-hour suicide watch, you can usually experience the same thing if you go over to John Daly or Vince Young's house at any time.

As one of my professor's best put it "If I were a Viking fan I would walk into oncoming traffic". The bruised eye they leave fans every year matches their purple jersey color along with the yellow which represents another season pissed down the drain. Keep supporting the team Vikings fans, but if they don't win this season "Hey..... theres always next season".

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mormonize Me Captain

So anyways for a little while now a couple of people from the Church of Latter Day Saints aka Church of LDS have come to talk to me and convert me to their religion. Even though I am probabley not going to convert I am interested in hearing what these guys have to say almost as much as I love a good Kimbo Slice beat down or watching the new Phil Defranco youtube clip of the week (watch a sample

Its funny because when I talked to these people at first I figured they had about 7 wives and they were living like something straight out of Little House of the Prarie book (Bless your heart Laura Engalls Wilder). I thought these people would have some crazy belief system and be totally out of the loop of things, but I later come to find out that the media coverage portrayed to people of the Mormon religion is usually always of a fundalmentalist sect of the religion and is completely different. Think of this like being when Tom Delonge left the band Blink 182 to form Angels and Airwaves. Not saying Angels and Airwaves are crazy by any means, I am just saying they are completely different.

Now when I told people I was talking to these elders (Mormons that have gone on a mission trip) That definition is coming straight from Websters Mormon Dictionary, no such thing but I wish there was. Well anyways I degress back to some of the statements from people such as being "Arent they crazy", "Dont they drink posionous Kool-Aid and die together", and my favorite one was "I heard they dont believe in Disney". What do they think Disney is fake or something? Lets get one thing straight Disney is not fake they are about as real as their subliminal sexual messages, the only thing remotely fake about Disney is that storyline that they had for the movie Pocahantas. The comments I heard from these people makes me think they should probabley turn off Fox News and try some other media outlet.

So I got to thinking about this, if I got these outrageous reactions from people about just meeting with these people is this why many famous people are not open about their religion as being mormon, because after doing research I was surprised how many famous people in Hollywood, athletics, and the music industry were Mormon. Some of which being Brendon Urie lead singer of Panic at the Disco, Brandon Flowers the lead singer of The Killers, actor Aaron Eckheart who played Two Face in the movie The Dark Knight and has been in several other films, and actress Katherine Heigel from the beloved show Greys Anatomy also Quarterback Steve Young.

Which makes me scratch me head and wonder if people would boycott some of the things these people are involved in if they knew this about them. I mean as I saw it as I compared difference between the mormon church and the any christian church is that they have all the same main purposes. Just think of it like being Michael Phelps and Brett Farve they have all the main qualities and work ethic of a great athlete but play two different sports but have the same goal in mind winning. As Vic Ketchman would put it "Just Win Baby"

Im not saying you have to change.... I mean im not going to, but at least have respect for your fellow man. This is America the mixing pot sorry to say but its not going to be like when Tobey Maguire and Reese Witherspoon transport into the television in the movie Plesantville (A Must See) There are going to be people out there that are just not like you whether its race, religion, beliefs, or whatever wise. So I leave you with this song....

My Rock Band : The Crack-a-Laterns

"Crack-a-Laterns" rolls off your tongue a little bit, but not really. Its the name of my band that is about to become bigger than Mark Mangino if he ate Ralphie May and then followed it up on a 2 week eating binge at any Chinese Buffet. (if you dont know the names I drop, feel free to google search)

Now I may have stretched the truth just a tad, this band is a group of friends and I who got together and play the game Rockband, but we are so invested that we have actually became a real band through the game. On a daily basis we go through contract disputes with our label Geffen Records (screw you David Geffen, unless your writing me a check of course), the arduous road trips, groupies constantly throwing themselves at us, living with sweaty men in a cramped tour bus, and just flat out rocking.

Our band recently got done with the South American leg of our tour, only one member of our extended band went on a Colombian coke binge and is now pursuing a long term goal of staying in prison and staying their for the next 20 years, so far he has kept strong at this goal. When I say extended band, I mean the people behind the scenes such as the pyrotechnics people, stage hands, creative art director, band manager..... and the list goes on.

Our band is always in constant rotation, new members popping in and out.... just think of us like the rock version of Destinys Child with a revolving door of many new members we have joining the band. The main people are Brad Dunlay who is comparable the Jimi Hendrix on the guitar, he is the raw talent of the band. Then you have Shaun Paul Cody who can bust out some mean vocals, Shaun is also the heart throb of the group think of him like a black Jared Leto but with a much broader voice range. Then you have myself on the drums, I am like the Keith Moon or more modern for some of you the Travis Barker of drumming.

We also have some what of a minor league band or farm hand prospects that just didnt make the cut, this band is called the "Not-so-good-a-Laterns". These names include the likes of Pat Roloff and Jon Hanson. These members bring a raw passion and dedication to the band, but just do not have the talent. I mean I have missed my fair share of notes in my career but thats due to the fact ladies in the audience are throwing their unmentionables/under garments on stage at me and they land on my face. Listening to our minor league band most people would almost wish they were Hellen Keller in the room when they are playing.

People also ask me how we measure success for the band I usually look these people in the eye and say "We measure success by the number of boobs we sign" and then I giggle like a school girl. Honestly though for this band though I measure our success by the number of fans across the world that keep coming back for more and that are lazy enough to download are album rather than go out and buy it and support our extended band members coke habit.

Monday, September 8, 2008

A Little Ice Breaker

So to start off my first blog ever I will start with a little introduction of myself. My names Steve thats all you really need to know (for now about my name), if your needing to find out my Social Security number, blood type, or phone number you have come to the wrong blog my friend. I am 19 and in college and I live in urban Iowa. I dont live in a farm or cornfield even worse my parents house. For those of you who think Iowa is boring I say to you quit being so "state-ist". That is my word that Websters dictionary has not approved, meaning to be a hater of a state just because you dont live in it.

A little bit more about me is that I dont drink... crazy I know I am in a major minority of teenagers that live this lifestyle. Its funny because people think that just because I choose not to drink that I am against alcohol and their use in general. My opinion is that it is your choice, I frankly dont care if you drink as much as you want and decide to cook up some crystal meth afterwards, that is your decision. Even though I definately am not promoting crystal meth to anyone reading this. I dont want to come off as the Don King of Meth promoting on this blog.

Like many people I watch WAY to many movies and listen to WAY to much music. Whenever some one gives me a song/artist to listen to or a movie to watch I must go out and do it. I will get after it like Reggie Nelson gets after opponents lurking in the Jacksonville secondary. Sorry for the ridiculous analogies, there is nothing I like more than a ridiculous analogy. Coming from Iowa a lot of people are fans of The Packers, Vikings, and Bears... OH MY! Then again though, Im not like most people and going completely against the grain I choose to be a fan of the Jacksonville Jaguars living in a household full of Cowboys fans.

Why you ask? The reason was that when I was younger I loved their logo and thier jerseys, and decided to follow them (sorry to say I had a kin fashion sense when I was a young lad, my how things have changed)

Now time for some random facts about me. I can dislocate my arm, surprisingly enough no ladies have seen it as a turn-on yet. I was born on Thanksgiving day. I have to change my socks whenever they are wet, even just a little bit wet. My hair constantly changes colors, but it always seems to have a little bit of red in it. I find the show "To Catch a Predator" hilarious even though I really should find it sad and pathetic. I hate the following actors Shia Labeouf, Brendon Frazier, and Gwyneth Paltrow, even though it seems everyone else likes them. I DONT HAVE A CELLPHONE.... I think I might be the only one out there. I hate when people correct me about things that have little importance (let me be ignorant about things that arent important). I take Fantasy Football to seriously. I have a WIDE VARIETY of friends, a little bit of everyone. My main problem is I think I am sorta cool, it seems me and Tom Cruise have the same problem. Thats a little of me in a nutshell any questions feel free to ask in a comment or text your question to the cell phone I dont have.

The reason I have this blog is to give you a little "play by play" of my life, just think of me like the Ron Jaworski (Jaws) of blogging. Also to get your opinions about certain current events happening and to get a different view on something other than my own.