Thursday, September 18, 2008

I Didnt Know What Most These People Used Blogs For

So I was surfing not so much like Kelly Slater no relation with AC from Saved by the Bell but I degress when I was surfing the net/looking at other people's blogs and checked out what they were chatting about and it didnt seem to be to much variety from the blog to blog. Either they focused purely on some sort of technology, their marriage, kids, artwork, or furnishings for their household. Thats why my blog is going to be the start of something special. If I could compare my blog to a pizza it would be meat lovers because its gunna have a bit of everything. I know what some of you are saying "Well Im a Vegetarian and that analogy doesnt apply to me". Well for all you vegetarians out there kindly get the hell off my page. (Just kidding.... but seriously) No but for you vegetarians consider it like a giant salad bar of topics.

I just feel I should make this blog about a lot of different interests and topics that are open for discussion. You know we are all human beings and we all put our hat on one head at a time. Unless your a siamese twin of course which then it may vary. The point im trying to get across here is im not afraid to push the envelope and delve into a buffett of different topics. Just hit me not so much like David Justice did his wife, but just feel free to throw some things out there that you would enjoy to see me blog about and I would be more than obligated to do that for you. Peace Out!


At September 22, 2008 at 8:05 AM , Blogger Ellie said...

Hmm, I for one would like to hear about what it's like to be a 19 year old man living in Iowa. Cuz that's totally alien to me. What are you into? What'd you do this weekend?


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