Monday, September 8, 2008

A Little Ice Breaker

So to start off my first blog ever I will start with a little introduction of myself. My names Steve thats all you really need to know (for now about my name), if your needing to find out my Social Security number, blood type, or phone number you have come to the wrong blog my friend. I am 19 and in college and I live in urban Iowa. I dont live in a farm or cornfield even worse my parents house. For those of you who think Iowa is boring I say to you quit being so "state-ist". That is my word that Websters dictionary has not approved, meaning to be a hater of a state just because you dont live in it.

A little bit more about me is that I dont drink... crazy I know I am in a major minority of teenagers that live this lifestyle. Its funny because people think that just because I choose not to drink that I am against alcohol and their use in general. My opinion is that it is your choice, I frankly dont care if you drink as much as you want and decide to cook up some crystal meth afterwards, that is your decision. Even though I definately am not promoting crystal meth to anyone reading this. I dont want to come off as the Don King of Meth promoting on this blog.

Like many people I watch WAY to many movies and listen to WAY to much music. Whenever some one gives me a song/artist to listen to or a movie to watch I must go out and do it. I will get after it like Reggie Nelson gets after opponents lurking in the Jacksonville secondary. Sorry for the ridiculous analogies, there is nothing I like more than a ridiculous analogy. Coming from Iowa a lot of people are fans of The Packers, Vikings, and Bears... OH MY! Then again though, Im not like most people and going completely against the grain I choose to be a fan of the Jacksonville Jaguars living in a household full of Cowboys fans.

Why you ask? The reason was that when I was younger I loved their logo and thier jerseys, and decided to follow them (sorry to say I had a kin fashion sense when I was a young lad, my how things have changed)

Now time for some random facts about me. I can dislocate my arm, surprisingly enough no ladies have seen it as a turn-on yet. I was born on Thanksgiving day. I have to change my socks whenever they are wet, even just a little bit wet. My hair constantly changes colors, but it always seems to have a little bit of red in it. I find the show "To Catch a Predator" hilarious even though I really should find it sad and pathetic. I hate the following actors Shia Labeouf, Brendon Frazier, and Gwyneth Paltrow, even though it seems everyone else likes them. I DONT HAVE A CELLPHONE.... I think I might be the only one out there. I hate when people correct me about things that have little importance (let me be ignorant about things that arent important). I take Fantasy Football to seriously. I have a WIDE VARIETY of friends, a little bit of everyone. My main problem is I think I am sorta cool, it seems me and Tom Cruise have the same problem. Thats a little of me in a nutshell any questions feel free to ask in a comment or text your question to the cell phone I dont have.

The reason I have this blog is to give you a little "play by play" of my life, just think of me like the Ron Jaworski (Jaws) of blogging. Also to get your opinions about certain current events happening and to get a different view on something other than my own.


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