Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Mormonize Me Captain

So anyways for a little while now a couple of people from the Church of Latter Day Saints aka Church of LDS have come to talk to me and convert me to their religion. Even though I am probabley not going to convert I am interested in hearing what these guys have to say almost as much as I love a good Kimbo Slice beat down or watching the new Phil Defranco youtube clip of the week (watch a sample

Its funny because when I talked to these people at first I figured they had about 7 wives and they were living like something straight out of Little House of the Prarie book (Bless your heart Laura Engalls Wilder). I thought these people would have some crazy belief system and be totally out of the loop of things, but I later come to find out that the media coverage portrayed to people of the Mormon religion is usually always of a fundalmentalist sect of the religion and is completely different. Think of this like being when Tom Delonge left the band Blink 182 to form Angels and Airwaves. Not saying Angels and Airwaves are crazy by any means, I am just saying they are completely different.

Now when I told people I was talking to these elders (Mormons that have gone on a mission trip) That definition is coming straight from Websters Mormon Dictionary, no such thing but I wish there was. Well anyways I degress back to some of the statements from people such as being "Arent they crazy", "Dont they drink posionous Kool-Aid and die together", and my favorite one was "I heard they dont believe in Disney". What do they think Disney is fake or something? Lets get one thing straight Disney is not fake they are about as real as their subliminal sexual messages, the only thing remotely fake about Disney is that storyline that they had for the movie Pocahantas. The comments I heard from these people makes me think they should probabley turn off Fox News and try some other media outlet.

So I got to thinking about this, if I got these outrageous reactions from people about just meeting with these people is this why many famous people are not open about their religion as being mormon, because after doing research I was surprised how many famous people in Hollywood, athletics, and the music industry were Mormon. Some of which being Brendon Urie lead singer of Panic at the Disco, Brandon Flowers the lead singer of The Killers, actor Aaron Eckheart who played Two Face in the movie The Dark Knight and has been in several other films, and actress Katherine Heigel from the beloved show Greys Anatomy also Quarterback Steve Young.

Which makes me scratch me head and wonder if people would boycott some of the things these people are involved in if they knew this about them. I mean as I saw it as I compared difference between the mormon church and the any christian church is that they have all the same main purposes. Just think of it like being Michael Phelps and Brett Farve they have all the main qualities and work ethic of a great athlete but play two different sports but have the same goal in mind winning. As Vic Ketchman would put it "Just Win Baby"

Im not saying you have to change.... I mean im not going to, but at least have respect for your fellow man. This is America the mixing pot sorry to say but its not going to be like when Tobey Maguire and Reese Witherspoon transport into the television in the movie Plesantville (A Must See) There are going to be people out there that are just not like you whether its race, religion, beliefs, or whatever wise. So I leave you with this song....


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