Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Life in Iowa

First off I dont wake up and bail hay at 5 in the morning, milk the cows, and or feed the livestock, and my backyard isnt a cornfield. Common sterotypes of living in Iowa for people that know nothing about my life. I live in an urban part of Iowa called Waterloo and there are no farms that I know of in the area. Traveling through more rural parts of Iowa this maybe more of the culture revolves around agriculture, but not where I live. My version of milking a cow is going to Target to purchase a gallon of milk (preferrable chocolate because I believe all cows should be milked equally)

I live in a city where depending on who you ask the population size is 70,000 - 80,000ish. Sorry to say but its nothing like watching the film Field of Dreams or Michael. Believe it or not just like other states we do have gang activity and drug usage and whatever else you can think of. I really dont know why Iowa gets such a reputation of being so completely based around agriculuture that nothing else seems to exist beyond that. I guess I havent really been to a whole lot of other states so I dont have much to make a comparison by, but enough that I wouldnt say its a whole heck of a lot different. Pry one big difference is that we really dont have any huge national landmarks that are iconic and really no big bands that have succeeded out of the state, unless you are someone who loves to bang their head and being screamed at through your headphones, then Iowa's most famous band Slipknot is for you.

We do have a few celebs people wouldnt have known are from Iowa such as Elijiah Wood who was Frodo from Lord of the Rings and was in a handful of other movies, Ashton Kutcher needs no introduction, and also Ron Livingston from Office Space just to name a few. Its funny because they are all from Cedar Rapids, looks to me Quaker Oats isnt the only thing Cedar Rapids is producing, its also producing star power.

All and all I would say Iowa is a fairly normal place, it pry is bland for a lot of peoples taste depending on where you dwell in the state. Urban areas are always best no matter what state you go to. Other than that the state can be pretty "corny".


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